Friday, August 13, 2010

The Crazy Old Lady of the Congress - #432


GOP cocksucker #467 (SEAN HANNITY) called Issa the "sheriff of the congress" for his constant calls for investigations of the Obama administration. It would have been more fitting had #467 called him 'the crazy old lady of the congress who calls the police switchboard every night to bitch about the guy who lives across the street and works the night shift.'

Issa is infamous for demanding investigations into the Obama administration. He calls for them constantly instead of getting things done. Just this year alone, the Crazy Old Lady has called for:

- An investigation into the Coast Guard's handling of BP's efforts to plug its leaking oil well (July 29.)
- An investigation into the Sestak Affair in Pennsylvania (March 24.)
- An investigation into the death threats and violence that resulted after health care legislation was passed (March 26.)
- Anothe call for an investigation into the Sestak Affair (May 19.)
- An investigation into CIA lying to Congress (May 21)

In his first 18 months in office, the Crazy Old Lady screamed for investigations of Toyota, the Enviromental Protection Agency and ACORN. If you type 'Issa's calls for investigations' into Google, you get over 203,000 hits. Should the Republicans ever get control of Congress, Issa has said he would start issuing subpeonas on the Obama adminstration immediately instead of working to fix the mess his party put us in.

The Crazy Old Lady got hit right in the mouth on camera in 2009 by Chris Matthews of Hardball and David Shuster of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Shuster nailed him first, when Issa tried to claim that in the economic stimulus package the Democrats wanted a train from L.A. to Las Vegas. Shuster pointed out that there was no such thing in the bill, which later became law.

Three days later, it was Tweety's turn, when he was confronted by the Crazy Old Lady's penchant for slavishly following GOP Cocksucker #70s (THE FAT JUNKIE) use of 'Democrat' Party, which HE got from GOP Cocksucker #559 (FRANK LUNTZ). 'Democrat Party' is not just ignorance of the difference between a noun and an adjective, it's something of a taunt. (When they get called on it, they start saying 'Democratic' Party immediately.) Check out

(By the way, Rep. Barney Frank's chracterization of Republicans as "born-again Deficit Haters" is priceless.)

With thanks to Media Matters and TPM Muckraker

S. Olson

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