Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Sign You're Dealing With A GOP Cocksucker - #77

One thing you can say about the GOP cocksuckers, they sure are consistent.

Especially when it comes to thinking we'll just get tired and go away. Ex-rep Tom DeLay is trying it in Texas.

That's the third sign of a GOP cocksucker. There are actually six. The other five are:

1. Worship of money.
2. Worship of their own asses.
3. A conviction that their opponents are fools
4. Having or having HAD money entitles them to respect
5. No sense of shame

Grimes was being investigated to see how far she had her nose up former Rep. Curt Weldon's ass when he was one of the senior members of the House Armed Services Committee. She got subpeoned because there were nasty allegations that Weldon was helping his daughter Karen and her business partner, Charles Sexton, get more than a million bucks in contracts. Then it mutated. Grimes got attention because as the scandal unfolded, it appeared that Weldon was doing more than helping out his daughter. There were questions about whether Weldon had helped out Grimes in appropriations requests. She suddenly found herself getting grand jury subpoenas after the FBI raided Karen Weldon's house.

Now, what do you suppose Grimes did?

She threw her grand jury subpeonas in the garbage. LOL.

Really, What she didn't know was that the FBI was going through her trash and found the subpeonas, PLUS the Amtrak receipts, PLUS the American airline boarding passes, PLUS the fourteen RSVP cards for a dinner honoring Weldon, which call for responses to be sent to Grimes. Among other things, the subpeona was demanding she produce these.

She also threw out her Blackberry at a local Arby's so investigators could not retrieve her e-mails. She didn't know the FBI followed her there, too.

Grimes has been arrested on charges of evidence tampering.

Oh no. WE aren't going to go away just because we took Weldon's seat away from him in The Thumpin.' Not at all. We're going to take care of the people's business AND throw as many of you GOP cocksuckers in jail as we can.


And there is nothing you can do about it.

S. Olson

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