Monday, September 21, 2009

GOP Cocksuckers Have No Conscience or Honor - #101


Now we come to the perjurers, which is kind of weird in the first place because perjurers take an oath before God that they will tell the truth. That makes it a matter of honor. GOP Cocksuckers should not even be CHARGED with perjury because it is well known that they have no honor in the first place and it should be assumed, automatically, that everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie.

Tate will be coming up for trial next month on nine counts of election fraud relating to misfilings. This is the second time he'd been charged with this particular crime. Tate was shooting for the '03 and '07 state senate nominations but didn't get them, he claims, because of the timing of the first indictments.

Tate says that timing, three weeks before the GOP Cocksucker primary, was masterminded by the current state senator, Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel.

The Vogel response is: "Aw fuck you, you crybaby."

It needed to be said.

[UPDATE: Tate's trial was sccheduled for Sept. 3 and was supposed to run for two weeks, which means if it stayed on schedule, it ended last Thursday. What was the outcome? Who cares? Guy's a GOP Cocksucker. That means he's guilty of SOMETHING.]

S. Olson

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