Monday, September 14, 2009

The Longest Sentence Ever Meted Out to a U.S. Congressman For Bribery - #72


There are two big scandals in Washington dogging the Drunken Frat Boy administration. The first is the Jack Who? Affair (no shit, that is exactly how Ex-Rep. Tom DeLay referring to Abramoff when the charges first broke and after he called Abramoff his "good friend.") and the second is THIS fuckin' guy.

Cunningham was a war hero in Vietnam and a respectable figure who was a member of Appropriations and Intelligence committees, and chaired the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Human Intelligence Analysis and Counterintelligence.

He was controversial during his tenure but it was the kind if controversy GOP cocksuckers love. For example:

A. He called the rectal examination for prostate cancer "not normal' unless you're [gay congressman] Barney Frank."

B. Flipped The Bird at a constituent during an argument over military spending.

C. Suggested that the democratic house leadership be lined up and shot.

D. Referred to gay soldiers as 'homos,' refused to yield the floor to Rep. Patricia Schroeder of Colorado and told Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont when he tried to object, "Sit down, you socialist."

E. Got into a shoving match with Rep. Jim Moran of New York over sending troops to Bosnia.

What GOP cocksuckers WON'T tell you about that last one was that Cunningham ran away from the shoving match and was found later crying in the House cloakroom.

Well, okay, he was kind of rough around the edges but hey, GOP cocksuckers LOVE that. He served from 1991 to 2005.

What they don't like to mentin is that 'Straight-Arrow' Cunningham started taking bribes in 2004.

Cunningham accepted at least $2.4 million in bribes and underreported his income for 2004 to boot. He pled guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion.

Not only did he quit Congress but he was sentenced to eight years and four months in prison and ordered to pay $1.8 million in restitution. Suddenly, the Dukester might have as well been slugging it out with Charlie in a rice paddy.

Not only that, he STILL had those goddam feds on his ass. They squeezed him to wear a wire where defense contractor Mitchell Wade pled guilty. And he was a prosecution witness in the conviction of defense contractor Brent Wilkes. Now the trial of Kyle 'Dusty' Foggo (former #3 at the CIA) is ongoing and Cunningham is expected to help THEM too.

Even worse, the feds are now investigating ties between Wilkes and DeLay. And if THOSE go through, Cunningham may have to testify again.

Yes, the GOP cocksuckers need to be fucked, broken and driven across the land. And with Cunningham, we get our wish.

UPDATE: Foggo became GOP Cocksucker #273

S. Olson

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