Monday, September 14, 2009

Pedophile III - #73


The GOP cocksuckers claim we're being obsessive and filthy-minded on the matter when we report on the doings of GOP cocksucker pedophiles; as if this makes US guilty for THEIR behavior. [Snort] Who are they trying to kid? They just don't like us telling everyone what they're doing.

What kind of behavior, you ask? Well, behavior like Jon Matthews of SugarLand, TX. Matthews was a right-wing talk show host for a station in Houston. He was frankly, racist, which went over smooth as honey in Redneckland, but it was his gun nuttery that he was known for.

In 2004, Matthews admitted exposing himself to a 13-year-old girl who had come over to play with his puppy. When the news broke, the station manager suspended his old ass. After Matthews got a 7 year suspended sentence and probation he was allowed to resign.

After the next-door neighbors sued him, Matthews settled for more than a quarter of a million dollars. Know what his defenders claimed? You'll never guess. "Well, she looked a lot older than 11." Really. Never mind the fact she was coming over to pet his puppy.

The terms of Matthews' probation were that he abstain from alcohol and stop looking at sexually obscene material.

That lasted a grand total of four years before Matthews got liquored up and started discussing sexual fantasies with a 12 year old on the internet and it may have begun earlier, as Matthews himself admitted to getting plowed regularly about eight weeks before the incident.

The result? Matthews gets three years in the Hoozegow, the one with all the BLACKS in it. And without his cherished assualt weapons. I haven't checked to see if, as a convicted felon, Matthews will ever be able to legally have a gun again.

UPDATE: No, he will not. LOL

S. Olson

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