Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The One That GOP Cocksucker #82 (ERNIE FLETCHER) Thought He'd Shielded - #94


Since the GOP Cocksuckers are also incompetents, sometimes they leave the door wide open. Take the case of Sam Beverage, who was originally pardoned by ex-Gov. Ernie Fletcher for his role in what become to be known as the Kentucky Merit Scandal.

Beverage was indicted by a grand jury for perjury in the cases of Daniel Groves and GOP Cocksucker #90 (VINCENT FIELDS), who was pardoned by Fletcher along with eight other people as far as acts involving Fletcher's staffing of executive departments in Kentucky with his own cronies. It was assumed that the blanket pardon covered Beverage too, but when it was found that perjury was not covered in the list, he was promptly reindicted.

Beverage had to testify as to any illegal acts in the Fletcher administration or he wouldn't get probation. And one of those acts was that Fletcher kept a list of highway projects next to a list of senators name who voted against him. Those folks did not get a highway project. The ones who voted with Fletcher did.

S. Olson

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